How about any of the ideas offered up by this blog post from a Montessori teacher? Check it out: "Trying to break the "Good Job" Habit? These 21 Suggestions are for YOU." Frankly, most of them could be adapted to be used with older students and... dare I say it... adult learners as well.
As a lifelong learner myself, I appreciate specific feedback. The more detail, the better. Perhaps I have transitioned from a praise junkie to a feedback junkie. But that's what gets me engaged in learning and practicing and making the kinds of changes that result in improvement. Imagine what would happen if an athletic coach only ever said "Good job" or "Bad job". Athletes would not know what they were doing well or what they could change to get better.
Getting beyond "Good Job" takes a little practice, but it's worth it. Using any of this blogger's strategies or any others like them can help our own children or our students more fully engage in their learning, strengthen their growth mindset and increase their grittiness.